Original lyrics handwritten by the artist
Lyrics find us in our own moments — with meanings so personal that the words begin to feel like they were written for us.
Newly released editions
Bring your favorite artist's lyrics into your home as a piece of art
Lyrics are handwritten by the artist on fine art paper, creating an extension of their song into a visual piece of art.
Each piece is a hand-made original and part of a limited edition
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Music is woven into our memories, emotions and experiences. The value in that is infinite, making it our responsibility as fans to help support the artists behind the music.
Meaningful connection to the artist
Handwritten lyrics are like a glimpse into the past, to a time when the words were first transcribed onto paper. These pieces contain only a lyric fragment that has been chosen by the artist. Each piece is part of a limited edition of thirty originals — making each one unique and owning one rare.